Empowering Leaders. Transforming Lives.

Providing transformational wellness leaders with the support they need to skilfully grow their business with clarity, confidence, and values-driven action.

Hello, and welcome!

I'm Triss.

Are you tried of riding the waves of feast and famine, inspiration and exhaustion?

I am here to guide you through the intricacies of growing a thriving business whilst finding the balance you crave.

Beyond the strategies and systems, I am here to empower you to become the leader you aspire to be and to have the life you desire.

Through modern transformational coaching practices and methodology, we will navigate your personal journey, unlocking the potential within and aligning your values with your vision.

I can help you with

Let's empower your business to thrive independently and craft the balanced lifestyle you desire.

Business Strategy & Systems

Install powerful systems and processes that support you and your business to thrive.

Marketing & Sales Strategy

Take out the guesswork and constant reinvention with tried-and-test strategies. 

Entrepreneurial Empowerment

Develop the skills and mindset you need to take your business to the next level.

practical expertise meets transformative Coaching 

With a deep understanding of tested and proven business strategies, I bring a wealth of knowledge to guide you through the complexities of entrepreneurship.

My approach is grounded in providing tangible, actionable advice that translates into real, measurable results for your business. Whether you're seeking to streamline your operations, enhance your marketing efforts, or elevate your leadership skills, I offer a unique blend of experience and insight.

I am committed to empowering your success by simplifying intricate business concepts and empowering you with the tools and strategies needed to thrive. Let's turn your aspirations into achievements, one practical step at a time. 

Unlock Your Potential with Integrated Wisdom

My approach to coaching is to blend modern transformative coaching practices with ancient metaphysical systems like Human Design and Astrology to gain profound insights into your unique essence. By understanding the unique qualities of your being, I tailor my support, recognising that each individual's journey is as distinct as their cosmic fingerprint. 

Empowering Your Evolution

It's my mission is to encourage your development and facilitate your growth. I strive hard to create a supportive environment where challenges become stepping stones, strengths are magnified, and your true potential emerges.

Join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, where the synergy of modern coaching practices and metaphysical insights illuminates the path to your most empowered and aligned self.

Together, we'll navigate the depths of your being, empowering you to manifest your dreams and embrace a future filled with purpose and passion.

Transforming Entrepreneurship Responsibly with AI

My commitment to your success goes beyond traditional coaching methods. I firmly believe that staying at the forefront of innovation is crucial to empowering my clients to make a lasting impact in the world while creating space for personal growth and well-being. That's why I am dedicated to the ethical and supportive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, AI has the potential to transform how we approach entrepreneurship and leadership. I recognise that harnessing this transformative technology ethically and effectively requires a deep understanding of its intricacies. That's why I stay passionately engaged with the latest developments in the AI field, ensuring that I not only keep pace with its advancements but also leverage this knowledge to benefit you.

My goal is simple: to empower you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to navigate the dynamic intersection of entrepreneurship and AI. I believe that when used ethically and thoughtfully, AI can help you create more time and space in your life, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. It's another way I'm dedicated to supporting your journey towards a more profound impact on the world and a richer, more balanced life.

How I Help My Clients

Private Coaching

My signature coaching program is a holistic and comprehensive package tailored to empower transformational leaders in the health and wellness sector. This program combines practical business strategies with modern embodied coaching techniques, ensuring clients not only receive actionable business advice but also experience personal transformation. We delve into proven business practices, including the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) by Gino Wickman, fundamental accounting practices like Profit First, and effective time and productivity management skills. This program is designed to provide a strong foundation for your business, fostering growth, alignment, and success.

Premium Support and Guidance

For those seeking a more intensive level of support, my premium service offers an active role in the strategy and operations of your business. This service goes beyond foundational coaching, providing personalised and in-depth guidance tailored to your unique needs and challenges. I work closely with you to implement advanced business strategies, optimise your operations, and ensure that your business is positioned for long-term success. This premium level of support ensures that you have a dedicated partner in your entrepreneurial journey, helping you navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve your aspirations.

Free Guidance and Education

If you're at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey or not yet ready to dive into comprehensive coaching, I offer a wealth of free resources and educational content. This service is designed to provide foundational knowledge in business strategies, personal development, and transformational leadership. By accessing articles, videos, and other learning materials, you can start to align you values with their business practices, understand the basics of effective leadership, and begin to navigate their entrepreneurial journey with greater clarity and confidence.

I really appreciate Triss' enthusiasm for the behind-the-scenes operations of business, and particularly how he brings this enthusiasm for me and my business. His enthusiasm is contagious!

Cam Faser

/ Men's Sex Coach

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What My Clients Say

Triss is not just a business coach; he's a supportive guide through the deep aspects of entrepreneurship, blending practical steps with heartfelt guidance.

Sarah Collins

Intimacy Coach

HOLY CRAP! I'm so fucking proud right now! This is gonna be such an epic program. I'm so grateful for your support, clarity and methodology - you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!

Blossom Leela


Ready to transform your business and life?

Book a call with me today and let's embark on your journey to clarity, confidence, and extraordinary success.